C# 40
- C# | Exploring .NET 9's New Developer Features
- C# | Optimizing Your Web API Performance - Caching Techniques
- C# | Types of Classes
- C# | Implementing Event Driven Microservices Architecture
- C# | Difference Between Array and ArrayList
- C# | Unit Tests with xUnit and Complex Inline Data Object
- C# | Using NSubstitute NuGet Package for C# Unit Tests
- C# | Clean Architecture
- C# | Understanding the Observer Pattern
- C# | Avoid Multiple Nested If-Else Statements Using Guard Clause
- C# | Alias any type
- C# | Interview Questions and Answers
- C# | Dapper Using Stored Procedures
- C# | Dapper using Generic Repository
- C# | Understanding Generics
- C# | Virtual Methods
- C# | Command Design Pattern
- C# | Use of the short Keyword
- C# | Best Practices for Pagination using EF Core 8
- C# | var vs Explicit Type Declarations
- C# | Balancing Cross-Cutting Concerns in Clean Architecture
- C# | Building a Command-Line (CLI) App using System.CommandLine Library
- C# | Configure QoS within API Gateway using ocelot and Polly
- C# | Search AD entry by ObjectSid using Novell Directory Ldap Nuget package
- C# | Configure Swagger on api gateway using ocelot in asp.net core application
- C# | Building GraphQL APIs in C#
- C# | Implementing API gateway using ocelot in asp.net core application
- C# | TDD Example using xUnit and Moq
- C# | Create .Net custom template using GitHub Packages Registry
- C# | Create Nuget Package using .NET Standard
- C# | Using Entity Framework with PostgreSQL Database
- C# | Entity Framework Generic Repository with SOLID Design Pattern
- C# | Using the yield Keyword
- C# | Using yield with Entity Framework
- C# | Best Practices
- C# | Asynchronous programming with [async | await | Task]
- C# | Web Api's Tips and Tricks
- C# | Common Errors
- C# | Tips and tricks
- C# | Entity Framework Issues and Troubleshooting